Deep Breathing with Awareness Every Day: Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle

Post Date: 16 Sep 2023
Category: Health

Tags: #Mindfulness, #Meditation, #Yoga practices,

Deep breathing is the practice of taking deep, slow breaths to relax and lower stress levels.It is commonly used in mindfulness, meditation, and yoga practices. By activating the body's relaxation response, deep breathing can help to calm the mind, lower the heart rate, and reduce muscle tension. Furthermore, deep breathing exercises can be performed at any time and location, making them an effective way to manage stress.

Why do deep breaths?
Oxygen is essential for bodily functions, but in today's fast-paced environment, lack of fresh air can cause distress and pressure. Reduced oxygen supply can slow blood flow,impair nerve function, impact digestion, and decrease metabolism, causing symptoms like headaches, lethargy, and drowsiness.
Action Plan :- 1
1. Spend at least 15 minutes per day doing deep breathing outdoors, especially in a green environment.
2. Slowdown from whatever you are doing once every 30 to 45 minutes, and take a few deep breaths. Allow your body to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen in between your busy routine.
3. Regularly participate in aerobic activities like walking, jogging, swimming, or cycling.
Action Plan :-2
1. Get comfortable : - Find a convenient place to sit or lie down. If you'd like, you can close your eyes.
2. Relax your body :- Take a few moments to look at your body and let go of any stress or tension you may be feeling.
3. Breathe in deeply :- Take a deep breath through your nose and feel your stomach expand as you fill it with air. Make sure it's filling your stomach, not just your chest.
4. Hold your breath :- After taking a complete breath, hold it for a few seconds.

5. Exhale slowly :- Take a deep breath and exhale it slowly through the mouth. As the air is released, the abdomen will contract. 

6. Repeat :- keep doing this deep breathing exercise, taking long, slow breaths in and out.Take your time and aim to make each breath deeper and slower than the one before it.